Disability Rights Law

Disability Rights Law2023-07-14T15:23:43+03:00

Disability Rights Law

Disability Rights Law : We as Sarıbaş & Akbaba Legal Consultancy, provide legal support to individuals with disabilities with the aim of removing obstacles they face in their access to justice.

As Sarıbaş & Akbaba Legal Consultancy, our main services in the field of Disability Rights Law are as follows:

  • Making applications to the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey, the Ombudsman Institution, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Governorates and other relevant institutions and organizations, and conducting application processes,
  • Preparing reports and articles on rights violations faced by person with disabilities with a right-based approach,
  • Standing by them in their struggle for rights by taking an active role in associations and foundations for disabled persons.


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